An allotment in Pennington
Working for the community
About Us
We are a group of gardeners who work on a community allotment in Pennington. We try to tread lightly on the earth, working with whoever comes along and, growing flowers, fruit and vegetables peat-free and pesticide free.
What do we get up to?
Pennington Community Allotment started out in 2015 with just a few people coming together to do what they love. Little did they know that it would grow into the thriving group it is today. We enjoy meeting twice a week for growing and for different events and activities. . Our gate is always open to new members, no matter their experience level. Passion and enthusiasm go hand-in-hand with everything we do and we are proud to bring together people to share our love of all things green.
About our allotment
We have a mini orchard of apple trees, a number of high raised beds, a no dig area, a 'working' area for composting, a slightly 'wilded' area andground we cultivate for vegetables. To encourage pollinators we always devote part of the plot to wildflowers, or more correctly to 'pollinator flowers'

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